
Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Tasty Tuesday

It's Tasty Tuesday and also the last day of 2013!

To me the start of a new year means change. I always try to think of ways to enhance my life and improve what I already do. For me this year I will focus more on my diet (as in what I eat on a daily basis) and my fitness.

So, without further ado here are some of the foods I will eat in 2014.

A heck of a lot more fruit smoothies!!
And a heck of a lot more greens!

May you choose to do something life changing in 2014. 

Love and best wishes

Jennifer x

Monday, 30 December 2013

Make it Monday

Welcome to Make it Monday and this is my 100th post! 

As 2013 is coming to an end I want to focus on reflection. I am sure we have all had some of the best days of our lives in 2013, but also perhaps some of the worst. I've been around a lot of people who have lost a family member this year, which is always a heart breaking event. I have also experienced a wedding too, a new start for a young couple to tackle life together. 

Whatever the experience, we should now do a couple of things.

1. Write down your memories of both good and bad things that happened to you this year. It is best to either write it on small pieces of paper, or tear the paper so you have one memory on a strip.

2. In your "bad memories" pile you should reread what you have written and forgive (I am not saying forget, but if we continue to hold grudges or beat ourselves up about it then we will never be able to fully learn from it). It may seem impossible depending on what it is, but we really need to let go of what we consider bad.

3. In your "good memories" pile you should reread what you have written over and over, be thankful for these good times.

4. Get one jar/pot/container. Label it good memories. Fill it up with all of your good memories.

5. If you have a safe place to do this then the next step is to burn your bad memories. Alternatively, shred or cut up your paper and dispose of it immediately. Your bad memories are now gone.

Taken from this blog as mine is a work in progress ;)

It is important to do this soon, before we get into 2014 as we should now have our goals for the coming year we do not want to have our past knocking us or holding us back. 

Remember the compliments. Remember the smiles, the laughter, the hugs, the gatherings with friends and/or family. Remember that you make your own happiness and if you are not happy right now, then you need to start working on it straight away. 

I cannot stress enough how scary it is that time goes by so quickly, so make sure you use each second wisely.

I hope you find time to make your memory jar and that you rid yourself of the bad times you cannot change.

Sleep well and much love

Jennifer x

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Soulful Sunday

Welcome to Soulful Sunday.

I write this listening to Nelly Furtado. Her music is a comfort to me.

So today I shall be revealing my aims for 2014, I was compiling a list earlier this afternoon at lunchtime. I will probably add more to this list over time, but right now these are the most important.

1. Be fully raw - I am sure I will face many challenges with this one, but I have had almost a year to build up to it and I am now ready to fully accept the challenge. Perhaps the hardest times will be when travelling so I need to work on a back up plan for that. EU countries I can travel with fruit but long haul I may have problems.

2. Attend the Thai Fruit Festival in July - accommodation is booked, I just need to get a plane ticket and work out my plan.

3. Complete TEFL - my deadline is May. I currently have 152 days left to complete it. I did not realise how hard it was going to be. So not only is there a lot to read, there are tests at the end of the unit, which I have been passing with flying colours, but the projects are tough!

4. Save - well I have been doing well, but I could be doing better. I have got my spending down to just food, petrol and living expenses. I am going to budget my food and buy more frugally. 

5. Attend the gym 3 times a week and run every morning before work - I have the running down (unless it is severe weather) now I have to stick to the gym. I will make sure I've packed my bag ready to go in my car so I can go straight from work.

6. Be more sociable - seeing as Sunday will be my only free-time if I stick to my schedule (I could swap Sat and Sun occasionally) then I want to see people once a week, which is more than I have been seeing people recently! If you are reading this and want to hang out, let me know my schedule if you read this.

7. Keep reading - reading (the right books) can be more pleasurable than anything else. Charlaine Harris has caused a new addiction for vampires in me (Stephanie Meyer started the flame, but Charlaine got it roaring) but I have a whole library full of books that have not been touched yet. My mission is to read them before I go travelling in June. I suppose it is doable if I give up TV.

8. Make YouTube videos - I should do more YouTube videos. When I go away a blog post a day may not be possible...

That's my list so far, well I have a couple more points to add, I told my colleague I need to be more ladylike (I will try to conceal my burps, stop swearing and control my thoughts!) but I feel like if I put too much emphasis on them I will end up trying too hard and failing!

Do you have a list of aims or resolutions?

See you tomorrow.

Much love

Jennifer x

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Sweaty Saturday

Welcome to Sweaty Saturday!

Last week I posted about my new foam roller and I have been using it every night to roll out my back. I admit that I have not really tried any other techniques yet, mainly due to laziness and space in my bedroom. Tomorrow I shall make an effort to do it in front of the TV downstairs.

I also posted my schedule and said I will follow it, but it was not a good trial run because I was only in work on Monday so it definitely threw me off the rest of the week. My schedule will start a proper trial run from 6th January. However, I went to the gym yesterday and spent over an hour working on my arms and shoulders routine. Tomorrow I intend to work on a chest and back routine and my leg routine is already nailed.

So, for all over body workouts I clicked this link (it's called Joe and says Men's Health, but I do not see why this is not relevant to women...) that told me what the five best exercises are. You should be able to guess without clicking the link.

Yes squats are good. I tell my colleagues all the time. They complain about their lard arses, I tell them "stop eating biscuits and DO YOUR SQUATS!!" hahaha they think I am mad. I even demonstrated in the office how to squat and gave them a quick way to get them in whilst on our breaks. Before doing weighted squats I do 100 without weights. Feel the burn.

2. The Plank
I do not like the plank, but I guess I like the results of it. Definitely a grower and my only advice is start easy and build up the amount of time you hold it for. I used to train with a guy who would make me hold it for 1 minute when I was just getting back into the gym...almost made me cry I hated it that much!

3. Dead Lifts
I much prefer the Romanian dead lift, I am not sure what type of dead lift they are suggesting on this site, but be careful of back and knee injury.

4. Lunges
I also hate this exercise, but that is because my balance going into them and coming out of them is on the poor side. I prefer to have one leg out and then do 20 reps going up and down and have the front food in the same position, it creates more of a burn and I don't feel like such a fool from falling over...

5. Push ups
I am still mastering these and I envisage that I will be for a while to come. Yesterday I managed 6 in a row (I go to 10 so the remaining 4 were on my knees). It really does work your shoulders, sometimes I cannot even lift anything for days! I guess that shows that I need to do more haha

My plan at the gym is to do a mini circuit before each session of squats, push ups and abs. Then I can focus on arms and shoulders, chest and back or legs.

Do you have a "strict" plan for the gym or working out? Let me know.

Enjoy the rest of your sweaty day!

Much love

Jennifer x

Friday, 27 December 2013

Fun Friday

Welcome to Fun Friday

Let's do a quiz for the last Fun Friday of 2013. Highlight the text in the blank space underneath the question for the correct answer.

1. What is the most common variety of banana? 

2. Which Asian fruit is described as having a succulent creamy filling but a smell like stinky socks?

3. What is a cross between and orange and a tangerine?

4. What fruit has green bumpy skin, dark seeds and tastes similar to its name?
Custard apple a.k.a Cherimoya

5. What herbs are mentioned in the song (are you going to) Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme

6. Where does Popeye get his strength from?
Spinach - yes, a plant!!

7. What citrus fruit can cause a sour look on your face, but also create a refreshing drink?!
Lemon :P

8. According to a YouTube channel, what is the most annoying fruit?
Annoying Orange

9. Name one benefit of eating dates.
Relief from constipation, intestinal disorders, heart problems, anemia,  sexual dysfunction, diarrhea, abdominal cancer

10. Leave your comment for your favourite fruit.

Now let's have a party!

Much love

Jennifer x

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Think Thursday

Welcome to Think Thursday.

I think, therefore I am.

René Descartes

Will existence ever cease?

What happens when our physical body dies?

Is there an afterlife?

I guess it is this time of year that I think these thoughts. Here it is winter and dark for the majority of the day, I spend more time at home because I'd rather be tucked up in bed hibernating for spring and summer. It is almost the end of the year, 13 is a lucky number for some (I know it's actually 2013, although it really isn't because it is more like 4.54 billion years, but whatever) and I start to feel like the years are just going by so fast now.

This year has been a lucky one for me because I decided in January to stop eating meat. I am ashamed to say but my last meat meal (that I foolishly relished) was at Burger King. It was a burger and fries, coke and lots of ketchup and mayonnaise. 

In late February I kicked dairy out (although I ate a vegetarian meal at a wedding in May and a Dominos pizza the following day...) and I stopped drinking alcohol (last drink was champagne at the wedding!) Other than these occasions I have consumed a plant based diet. Mainly high raw, high carb and low fat.

I adopted a vegan lifestyle when I decided I would no longer wear anything made from animal products, nor would I use beauty products containing or having been tested on animals. 

I feel so much better mentally, physically and no doubt spiritually (in 2014 I will learn more about this). It is the spiritual side that intrigues me the most and makes me think about the afterlife. I have spoken to two people who have described such similar places when they died on the operating table...they did not know each other and yet they had very similar stories. There must be something in that.

I am so intrigued to find out what happens when we die, but I am not ready to find out myself right now. I hope the time comes when I am in triple digits!

This time of year also makes me think a lot about the World in general. We have developed so much in terms of technology, architecture, transport, etc. but how much more advanced can we get without destroying everything that was here before us? For example, rain forests, rivers, animals, insects, bacteria, little things we cannot see. What are we killing just to satisfy our consumer needs? 

I have watched The Bucket List yesterday and again today and it is such a thought provoking film. Prepare your hankies as you will cry if you are anything like me!

So, Morgan Freeman's character asks Jack Nicholson's character the following questions based on the Ancient Egyptians belief about their death and when their souls got to the entrance of heaven. They were asked two questions, based on their answers they were either let in or denied. The questions were 

Have you found joy in your life?
Has your life brought joy to others?

I am going to think about these questions as my recurring thoughts for 2014. In fact, I will be adding them to my inspiration board to ponder everyday. Yes, we are here in one body and when we die we die alone, but we should use the body we have been given for giving joy to ourselves and to others. In any way we can. I want to provide more joy to other people. Remember, it is many small things that lead to one great thing. 

I hope you have enjoyed reading my post and that you too will consider those questions.

Much love

Jennifer x

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Wishful Wednesday (and what I ate)

Welcome to Wishful Wednesday.

Happy Consumerism Day!! 

Today has become just another day in my book, although I do love a day off work for no reason!

I had a fabulous start to they day, did my mile run/jog/walk and played in the park!! The council must have repaired the swing recently, it's one of those that are round with thick rope intertwined and you can lie on that is what I did. I put my head back and listened to they sound of the birds. It was just so peaceful.

I prepared my meal a few hours beforehand and made some pomegranate juice. My day has been 100% raw vegan, high carb and low fat.

Chef Jen

Sharon fruit, cinnamon and mango soup

Banana, date and cinnamon cake

Pomegranate juice

The table...I would love it if my mum would one day embrace my lifestyle...

The mango probably was not the best idea, but I still devoured it

Now this was amazing and I could live off it!!

Feeling good after this meal, no sluggish feeling, totally satiated. I love cinnamon because it gives everything a festive taste!

When I felt peckish I chomped on a cherimoya and then I prepared a butternut squash curry with 3 types of rice.

Parsnip, purple carrot and normal carrot rice topped with curry

That was so flavourful! 

A very low fat day for me!!

High in vitamins and minerals though ;)

Here's a selfie of me in my new jumper

Overall, I have had a really good day, although at one point I thought I would be alone all day...luckily it didn't happen and I spent a few hours with my mum.

So, what do I wish for today?

I wish that we stop treating 25th December as a day to over indulge with food and drink, create personal debt and be greedy. 

If you want to live a healthy life with a healthy body, want to be slim, athletic and feel the best you have ever felt (or any of the above) then for a belated present to yourself you should buy 80/10/10 it is the best diet plan you will ever read as it makes so much sense. Even if you are reading this and thinking you like the taste of meat, well a lot of plant based people say they did not give it up because of ethical reasons, they gave it up because it is not good for the body.

Also, if you only have pennies left in your pocket after today then you may want to consider the idea that it is the thought that counts. I personally would rather receive something hand made and personalised that did not cost a lot, as opposed to a really expensive present. When you step away and look at the bigger picture you see everything in a totally different perspective. I see so much greed, selfishness and denial. The denial is just incredible. Our society has just grown into something so scary in terms of consumerism, "less is more" is definitely seen as "less is a bore" nowadays. This is probably one of the reasons why I do not think I could ever raise a child in England.

I am going to wrap up my rant wishes by saying this, consider what you are doing to the environment. We may live in a good place right now, but what sort of environment are we leaving for the future generations?

I hope you enjoy the rest of this festive period and you stop eating and drinking before you reach your limit. 

Much love

Jennifer x

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Tasty Tuesday

It's Tasty Tuesday!

Today I started my 9 day break off work and it felt good. I have been needing a long period off work to get my mental focus back on my goals for next year. Instead of getting up at 5.30am I got up at 6.15am and did my mile. I treated most of the morning as a work day and studied TEFL for a few hours. I went to the shop at 3pm and it was surprisingly empty. I was served at an empty checkout! All in all, today has been a great day.

I feasted on a baby watermelon (I should have took a picture as it was so cute) and sharon fruit for breakfast. Then I ate satsumas for a snack and I had banana and coconut sugar smoothie for lunch. I ate cherimoya for dinner followed by an ill wrapped nori roll with parsnips, spring onion, purple carrot and mushroom. That was then followed by spiralised cucumber, peppers, mushroom and Jen's tomato sauce. Yummy.

Here are my food stats (although I did not measure the veg, I got over 2500 on fruit alone so I am happy with these numbers)

I think it is safe to say that if I continue eating like this I will achieve the majority of vitamins and minerals that my body needs. I definitely recommend signing up at cronometer and checking your intake daily. Especially if you're still eating a standard diet. It will put into perspective your dietary needs.

Christmas day is tomorrow and I am so happy to be celebrating my first vegan Christmas and it will be raw vegan style :D

I plan to make Persimmon Pudding from Anji B at Happy Healthy Vegan (I'm treating it more like a soup! I also don't have vanilla and I won't be making the cashew nut frosting) and I may add cubes of mango to give it a chunky effect

For dessert I think I will make a banana, date and cinnamon cake, Freelee style (without the apple, although I will decide tomorrow) 

If I can give you one piece of advice it is this, DO NOT allow yourself to over indulge because "it is Christmas", STOP yourself from eating high fat, stodgy, alcoholic foods and drinks if you are aiming for a healthy life. The "diet" does not start next week, it starts from your next bite. You are what you eat and you wear what you eat for years, so bear that in mind next time you look in the mirror and "wish" you looked different.

What would your 1 year from now self say to you today? Don't get caught up in the tinsel and flashing lights. 

Enjoy Christmas, I will be posting tomorrow so I hope you come by and see what I ate and what I am wishing for!

Much love

Jennifer x

Monday, 23 December 2013

Make it Monday

Hello!!! It is Make it Monday and I am so excited to show off my hard work!

My Auntie gave her old dining set to my dad this year and he wanted to change the fabric on the chairs to match our newly decorated kitchen/dining room. I bought the fabric in summer and thought my dad was going to do the rest...well months past and nothing happened so I decided to step up and put my crafty skills to good use.

I present to you, the reupholstering of the dining chairs...

Faaaaabulous darling ;)

I love getting crafty and if I could make this my living I would seriously consider it. Even though it hurt my wrist and wore away some skin on my hands, it is definitely a rewarding job!

Have you done any reupholstering before? I'd love to see your crafts!

Much love

Jennifer x

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Soulful Sunday

Welcome to another Soulful Sunday

I've been asked do I plan my posts, my answer is very rarely. I tend to go with a thought or feeling that I have when I open the webpage. Tomorrow is planned because I did it today ;) I will actually upload a project! Check back tomorrow for that one, but for now stay tuned to some of my random ramblings.

Human touch

No matter how I act and how you perceive me, I am quite a sensitive person. I also suffer from emotional extremes. I can be extremely happy, extremely sad, extremely funny or extremely angry, extremely nice or extremely mean (I need to work on my negatives). I think I am quite mixed up in my mind about who I am, what I stand for and why. This is an ongoing journey that I hope to one day reach the end of and live peacefully within myself.

So, what can you do for a sensitive girl like me? Hugs. Lots of hugs. I admit I am a little bit reserved with hugging people I hardly know, but those who I do know should give me lots of hugs! I am always too afraid of asking for the possibility of being rejected. (My colleague must think I am crazy because I offer hugs but never get taken seriously...I just feel sad because my colleagues are the people I spend most of my time with! I miss my old colleague Joanna, she hugged me a lot)

Perhaps that's why I am pretty emotional these days, I'm lucky to get one hug a week!

Lately, going to bed has been quite sad because I just want to roll over and spoon someone. I am the puppy above and like that puppy I also cuddle my teddy bear! 

I like to be the big if you're like this lonely looking fellow then have no fear, Jennifer is here! I like being little spoon too, but being big spoon makes me feel like I have more responsibility!

If you see me walking down the street and I start to cry each time we meet, DON'T walk on by! I just want to be pulled into a great big hug.

Much love

Jennifer x

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Sweaty Saturday

Welcome to Sweaty Saturday

Today I purchased a foam roller because I get a stiff upper back and often need to crack it. I did a search for a way to do it myself as the chiropractor can be very pricey and this is what I found.

Brett Rogers aka VitalityMassage on YouTube has some helpful videos on foam rolling. He's definitely unique!

The foam roller is good for massage and strength building too. See this video with Ashley Borden and visit her website to download the Rolling Out Guide

I am definitely going to incorporate these techniques into my daily routine, especially as I spend the majority of my time either in bed sleeping on my side, or hunched over a PC.

That reminds me, I have devised a schedule for the next few months. I need to prioritise certain things for my health and future and they are sleep, exercise and studying TEFL.

This is my first draft, I'll see how it works out over the next week. It looks like a lot of leisure time and not enough gym...
Anyway, that is it for my post today. I hope you are all having a great weekend and if you do not hear from me, check my schedule because I may be busy ;)

Much love

Jennifer x

Friday, 20 December 2013

Fun Friday

Hey, it's Fun Friday!!

I posted on my status this morning that the new Jason Derulo song is awesome to bop to, so here it is...

Check out the picture on the wall behind the bed...his lips move and his poses change!! I noticed it on my second or third helping :P

And because I love Jason and dancing so much, here are some more videos to watch of awesome people doing some awesome dancing!

Get your dance on this Fun Friday! If you fancy a sober night on the town message me...I want to cut up a rug on the dance floor!!

Much love

Jennifer x

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Think Thursday

Welcome to Think Thursday!

More than likely you have all done your Christmas shopping and perhaps this should have been a post a few weeks ago, but if you're like me you will not want to be paying for gifts that potentially add to the problem of animal cruelty.

I opted out of my work's Secret Santa because a lot of people wanted things that I did not want to purchase (it is a specific Secret Santa, e.g. write 3 things you want and then your Secret Santa must buy from that list). I did not want to end up picking someone asking for booze or chocolate so that is why I decided against it.

I think gift giving for a vegan who stands by their morals is tough if they are buying for a non vegan who is particularly fussy about brands, etc.

Nowadays I tend to give money, which I feel is just the same as not giving a present. It is not creative, does not require any thought for that person and could not be more impersonal if it tried!

I think gift giving for a vegan could be the perfect way to plant seeds.

Gifting books, DVDs, peronal hygiene products, vegan foods, fair trade products, etc could be a great way to introduce a non vegan to this way of living. To seek a more harmonious way of living that does not involve cruelty and want to live a healthier lifestyle.

I believe that if we start small and local, we can all make a big difference together.

Now, do not give in. Do not buy anything that compromises your morals.

Much love

Jennifer x

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Wishful Wednesday

Wishful Wednesday is upon is!

I am channeling my wishes today towards my dream of going to the Thai Fruit Fest next year.

I would love to attend this festival and make this the start of my travelling journey. By the time the festival starts I will have a TEFL qualification (I have to finish it by the end of May and I will), I will have lots of savings, I will have a very open mind and a very empty plan because I want to go with the flow (within reason).

I am super excited for this experience and I cannot wait to meet all of the YouTube sensations! My mouth is also salivating just thinking about the delicious fruits I will get my teeth teeth were made to rip up the flesh of a sweet juicy fruit!

I am letting all my emotions run wild because I already know I am going to be in my element. Architecture, flowers, bright colours, fruit, water, peace, nature, smiles, laughter, fun and meeting new people. It is already the next turning point in my life.

Chiang Mai, July 2014 I am ready for you.

Much love

Jennifer x

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Tasty Tuesday

Welcome to Tasty Tuesday

Today I'll talk about bananas.

The photo shows ripe bananas, they're spotty, soft and smell sweet. Do not eat them any other way else you'll have problems. Bananas like this clear you out not bung you up ;-) These are so tasty you won't want anything else!

Eat bananas and feel the joys. Uplift your spirit and feel at one with nature (preferably eating outside!) 

 Much love 

 Jennifer x

Monday, 16 December 2013

Make it Monday

Welcome to another Make it Monday

I am going to share something I attempted that was not exactly as I expected, but you should all see it because my epic fail may just be your greatest creation!

So, let me start by sharing the recipe with you (that I modified due to ingredients). It is by Loving it Raw and these raw vegan burgers look so amazing, sort of sticky like some Chinese food.

Well the recipe calls for beetroot and although I went to a massive superstore, two smaller supermarkets and my local farm shop, not one establishment had fresh beetroot so I used parsnip instead to give it a festive edge.

Here's my version

I think perhaps there was too much grated carrot and not enough sauce. They just fell apart so easily on the fork, although in hindsight a tightly wrapped lettuce leaf may have worked well.

I probably won't try these again for a while unless I get a craving and the shops get some fresh beetroot. If you attempt this, please let me know!

Much love

Jennifer x