
Monday, 30 December 2013

Make it Monday

Welcome to Make it Monday and this is my 100th post! 

As 2013 is coming to an end I want to focus on reflection. I am sure we have all had some of the best days of our lives in 2013, but also perhaps some of the worst. I've been around a lot of people who have lost a family member this year, which is always a heart breaking event. I have also experienced a wedding too, a new start for a young couple to tackle life together. 

Whatever the experience, we should now do a couple of things.

1. Write down your memories of both good and bad things that happened to you this year. It is best to either write it on small pieces of paper, or tear the paper so you have one memory on a strip.

2. In your "bad memories" pile you should reread what you have written and forgive (I am not saying forget, but if we continue to hold grudges or beat ourselves up about it then we will never be able to fully learn from it). It may seem impossible depending on what it is, but we really need to let go of what we consider bad.

3. In your "good memories" pile you should reread what you have written over and over, be thankful for these good times.

4. Get one jar/pot/container. Label it good memories. Fill it up with all of your good memories.

5. If you have a safe place to do this then the next step is to burn your bad memories. Alternatively, shred or cut up your paper and dispose of it immediately. Your bad memories are now gone.

Taken from this blog as mine is a work in progress ;)

It is important to do this soon, before we get into 2014 as we should now have our goals for the coming year we do not want to have our past knocking us or holding us back. 

Remember the compliments. Remember the smiles, the laughter, the hugs, the gatherings with friends and/or family. Remember that you make your own happiness and if you are not happy right now, then you need to start working on it straight away. 

I cannot stress enough how scary it is that time goes by so quickly, so make sure you use each second wisely.

I hope you find time to make your memory jar and that you rid yourself of the bad times you cannot change.

Sleep well and much love

Jennifer x

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