
Thursday, 27 March 2014

Think Thursday


We all have to make our own choices.

With the exception of a small minority, every human being faces choices on a daily basis. It is up to each individual to make it, but we may ask others for help with our decision.

I have struggled for years to make my own choices. I have always doubted myself to the point where I stop trusting my own judgement! To me, this is crazy and I now realise where I have been going wrong.

First and foremost, I should take full responsibility. If after some serious thought a decision cannot be made, the next step would be to ask someone I trust to offer advice. Again, some serious thought must go into making the decision based on the advice. If I'm still in doubt then research is vital or experience by trial and error. 

I personally believe that we should never let anyone make a decision for us and we should never blame anyone else for something that we did. At the end of the day we have to accept that whatever path we have gone down, it is because we have made that choice. Even if we made the choice based on someone else's ideas, we still made that choice. No one is forcing us to do anything. Yes, we may feel pressured into something, but at the end of the day we could have just walked away.

What do YOU want out of life? Where do YOU want to go? What do YOU want to do? 

I seem to be saying this a lot, but we live for ourselves. No one else is living for us. So stop stalling and look at your life. What are the choices that you are facing or have faced in the past? Are you taking responsibility for them?

Jennifer x


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