
Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Tasty Tuesday

Hello again! It is Tasty Tuesday, which means you're in for a treat.

I dedicate this post to tasty smoothies as it's what I have for breakfast everyday! They are simple to make and as long as you have ripe fruit you can make whatever you dare to experiment with!

This is my breakfast smoothie, 10-12 bananas, an entire head of romaine lettuce (and not the small ones you get from the supermarkets, I mean HUGE!) and some water. Blend it up and serve in your biggest jar
If I remember rightly, this is bananas, strawberries and water. I know summer has gone now but it would be such a perfect reminder (if you can still buy fresh strawberries) of how summer tastes! (I have some frozen)

Now this one is about 5 bananas and 4-5 sharon fruit, with water. I wouldn't exactly write home about it, but it's a great way to increase your iron intake! I much prefer to eat sharon fruit whole but these were a little too far gone for eating so I blended them!

I guess it's a juice more than a smoothie, but this is watermelon juice mmmm...
p.s. it is a jar not a vase :P

This is my usual breakfast smoothie (banana and lettuce) but I added spirulina. I shall not do that again! In fact I do not want my spirulina so message me if you're interested.
My drinks are so colourful, why would you want anything else?! Fuel your body with fruit sugars and it will reward you.

So...for those of you who do not know me, I am "trying" to live a 100% raw vegan lifestyle. Now it has many ups and downs mainly because of having to unlearn to like foods I have eaten for over 20 years (I am 100% vegan so that was probably the biggest challenge for me, especially as I "loved" lots of dairy). 

Once we start eating fruit for breakfast and then lunch and snacks in between meals we do not crave biscuits, cakes, sweets, etc because we are being satisfied from the fruit. I was a chocoholic, ate whole packets of biscuits and even ate 3 cakes in a day regularly in my previous jobs, so for those who do that right now there is hope and you can stop! 

I mainly struggle with cooked foods because when it is cold I have always had hot food. It's just something I am trying to unlearn and relearn. This lifestyle is all about learning and it is amazing, especially when you have great people around you (join facebook groups, meetup pages, etc).

Well I am not a tattoo kind of gal, but I thought maybe if I had one on my hand I would reconsider what I put in my mouth to eat... so here's my vision..

What are your thoughts? Will you try a smoothie if you haven't already? Will you experiment more with the fruit you use? Do you like my tattoo idea? Am I actually influencing you to eat more fruit and veg?!

Much love

Jennifer x

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