I'm going to get straight to it. I do not remember what I was taught in school about Halloween and the only way I will know the significance of today is if I do a Google search. What I know about it now is that we use this day to dress up like something spooky.
The other reason today is significant is because the young children come trick or treating to our houses and ask for sweets. We give them said sweets and they eat them (and my bet is not very moderately) over the following week.
I told my dad I am not answering the door tonight, he expected me to to hand out sweets and chocolates high in fat, dairy and who knows what other chemicals.
I refuse to even hand out vegan sweets.
I was a sweet and chocolate addict as a child and into my twenties. I do not wish to contribute to the ill health of a child. I may be called cruel, but really, am I? I am being conscious about the health of that child by refusing to hand out sweets as a "treat". The reason we crave sweets is because our bodies want sweet FRUIT! It wants the natural sugars that occur in natures candy...if we feed it artificial, processed junk then we are not nourishing our cells and that is bad for our health in the long run.
All I am saying is, just like every other holiday, Halloween is heavily orientated toward consumerism. It definitely makes me question the sanity of humanity. Why do we have to be so materialistic and ignorant towards the state of the land we are living on?
Anyway, I feel I have too many thoughts tonight and this post is going off point.
So, to summarise. Halloween is an excuse to fill our children up with sugary shit we deny them of most of the year and then we say "here have a few months worth of candy to make yourself sick in one night"
What are your opinions? I hope you start to question your outlook on this day.
Much love
Jennifer x