
Friday, 20 February 2015

Fasting and breatharianism

Today I embarked on a water fast after an experiment I started yesterday. I felt a little tired this morning, but that was because I was up all night peeing from my bum from the previous day. I am glad to report that it stopped around 12pm.

I have been drinking water all day with no food cravings. I even walked past the market and had no desire to eat fruit or veg. I have a stash of persimmons that are super ripe and juicy that I would demolish in seconds on a normal day, but the only reason I want to eat them is to avoid waste, but that's easily solved by giving them to my fellow hostel stayers. However, I'm still keeping them just in case... 

I don't think I really talk about everything I do on here or YouTube regarding my spiritual journey, but today I want to mention my intentions. I believe in God (that I have mentioned a few times) but not so much a strict religion. I believe we were created as breatharians and so I want to eventually become a breatharian and what I'm doing today will strengthen my body in preparation for this event. 

I'm currently in a state of ketosis, which was confirmed by a urine test I had earlier today. Many people don't know what this is, or if they've heard of it they have been told some very negative information. People actually eat a low carb high fat diet to achieve the ketosis state and I've been reading about it and watching YouTube videos and I believe this is the way to go in order to really get back to our roots as breatharians. 

I admit that I am following the advice of someone else, but I trust this person entirely with my life and so far they've not failed me. 

My personal issues have been letting go of the attachment to food and my travels to Bali and Sabah have helped me break that. I have made myself ill from eating, even on a raw vegan diet, which greatly backs up my thoughts about breatharianism. Add to that a great book Man's Higher Consciousness by Hilton Hotema and everything makes sense to me that breatharianism is the way forward (or backwards if you look at how we've devolved!) 

I'm not looking for a debate, concern, encouragement or any opinions, I am simply letting you know where I stand right now. It pretty much contradicts my life over the last 2 years being a high carb low fat raw vegan, but this discovery came at the right time. God never gives us more than we can handle and I am ready for this. 

I am not offering encouragement either, I am not telling you to ditch your current lifestyle and follow suit, I believe a raw vegan lifestyle is an important step in preparation for cleaning the body, but there's a lot more than meets the eye. If you're interested in trying what I'm doing there are many steps to be taken beforehand. It has taken me 12 months to reach this stage.

Right now I feel good without food and I have not set a date for breaking the fast. Time will tell. For now I will enjoy this experience. 

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