
Monday, 23 February 2015

High fat low carb is hard!

I shot myself in the foot today. Apparently I should be avoiding high GI foods, so the tasty mashed banana and avocado I had for breakfast wasn't ideal. I also ate 1 medjool date. It caused a huge sugar craving and I ended up eating the ripe champedak that has been in my company since the orchard visit over a week ago. 

To compensate I bought a fresh bottle of coconut oil (the one from Bali is on its last drop) and I added it to my salad, I took it like medicine and I added it to the coconut water I had from the coconut stand (first I poured the water into my sports bottle and ate the fatty thick meat mmm). However, my carbs have been seriously high! My ratio for the day is 73% fat, 22% carbs and 5% protein. 
I think it would be much easier if I had a blender so I could whip up some nut cheeses, milks and sauces. But I am doing my best. I managed to control my sugar cravings, however, I don't think it's the best diet for travelling in tropical countries even if I am aiming for ketosis. Firstly, it makes me hot. I'm pretty sure nuts are heating foods. Secondly, there's so much to prepare like soaking the nuts at the right time. That's one thing I make sure I do, soak and rinse nuts. 

I've decided that tomorrow I will finish the avocados and almonds and after that I'll be back on fruit. I want to eat tarap so I hope I can get some before I leave on Saturday. I visited the market today and I don't remember seeing any. Also ripe bananas were scarce too! I have no idea what's going on at the market but it appears since I gave up fruit for a few days they stopped catering for my desires! 

PS I cannot access Instagram at this hostel, which sucks but it's actually nice to take a break from it! 

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