
Saturday, 30 November 2013

Sweaty Saturday

Welcome to Sweaty Saturday!

People often talk about the advantages of training/exercising, which is fabulous because we should all be shifting our bodies regularly. However, I do not often come across disadvantages/things to make sure you do.

So here are my pointers based on my experience.

1. It is always best to keep your toe nails trimmed and soft. I have been using my normal trainers this week instead of Vibrams, so my toes were touching each other for a change. My toe nails were a little sharper than normal...

Gross I know
2. Cardio exercise, like running or cycling, I find is best to complete first thing in the morning as soon as you've woken up. Especially for those with 9-5's or equivalent. Get out of bed and put your workout gear on straight away!

3. Whatever you do, do not do cardio on a full stomach! You may vomit or need to poop (especially on a high raw diet).

4. Do not listen to music whilst running/cycling. Listen to nature...or that car you did not see in your blind spot.

5. Always carry tissue with you...because if you ignore point 3 you'll be finding a bush to shit behind! (I have stories)

So, remember these 5 pointers next time you do some cardio. 

Much love

Jennifer x

Friday, 29 November 2013

Fun Friday

Hey, it's Fun Friday!

Let's celebrate the weekend with a Fun video ;)

This tune has an awesome chorus, so let's all sing together!

I believe that no matter what your number, you are as young as you feel. Never let go of your inner child.

Much love

Jennifer x

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Think Thursday

Welcome to Think Thursday!

"They say the best thing is to go through your life being present, trying to think as little as possible!"

On that note, enjoy your evening and try not to think, just be present!

Much love

Jennifer x

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Wishful Wednesday

Welcome to Wishful Wednesday!

Today I wish for unity (and a deep tissue massage).

I'm keeping this brief, but there has been a sudden disloyalty surrounding the raw vegan community. We all know the vegan community is very very small in comparison to the World's population, so the raw vegan community is even smaller. It is sad that certain raw vegan pioneers have demoted two of the most fantastic people because of their passion to get more people interested in veganism through cooked foods. 

What happened to comradeship?

See the following for more information:

Now, that massage...can anyone recommend a good qualified masseuse around the Liverpool area? I am tense and in need of serious relaxation...

Much love

Jennifer x

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Tasty Tuesday

Welcome to Tasty Tuesday!

I have to thank spell-check today because my hands and my brain are not working together this evening!

Tonight's recipe is courtesy of The Rawtarian and her recipes are just fantastic, as you will see by the 4-5 star ratings!

The title of this recipe is perhaps misleading because it is completely vegan. 

Rawtarian's Raw "Salmon" Salad Pate
Check out the recipe right here.

I hope you all have a delicious vegan dinner tonight!

Much love

Jennifer x

Monday, 25 November 2013

Make it Monday

Welcome back to another Make it Monday!

So today I had a very over powering craving for vegan pizza. Now said pizza is not raw and is covered with vegan cheese that is high in fat and not really my aim for my body. I want to remain high carb low fat.

After having a few discussions (knowing that I really shouldn't eat the pizza) I decided that I would make an EPIC raw vegan pizza instead...and this is what I made.

I had to get the planning right first...and I do not think that nutritional yeast is raw, but heck I have certain exceptions. 

So, I made a few layers of courgette and some dill
Blended all the sauce ingredients
Topped with some veg
Then added loads of salad because this was not healthy enough...
Finished off with the "cheese" dressing
Et voilà! Raw pizza...

My disappointments were

  1. WhyTF did I use clingfilm?
  2. I need to make the base with either thicker layers or a different vegetable as I'd hoped that I would have been able to pick it up like a traditional pizza
  3. Aww took me a long time to prepare and a much shorter time to eat!
  4. Poop, I was not careful enough with the mandolin.
My amazing feelings are
  1. So glad I made this and didn't go waste my money and raw streak on a vegan oily/fatty pizza
  2. My belly thanks me
  3. I feel well and truly satisfied
  4. Look at my beautiful creation! I should be a chef ;)
If you want to know my recipe let me know. I should start putting these all together and publish a book ;) haha jump on the band wagon.

I hope you feed your cells the best that they deserve!

Much love

Jennifer x

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Sweaty Saturday

Welcome to Sweaty Saturday!

Unfortunately my only exercise today was carrying some fruit and veg to the car from the wholesale market, unloading at home and then putting it away. Oh and I walked around the corner to see my Granddad, followed by a jog home!

So, if you are lazy like me and you really cannot face going outside to run/cycle or go to the gym to lift weights you can join me in my bedtime preparation workout.

Whilst you are on the loo you could do some stretches, especially in your upper body. Put your hands together and reach as high up as you can. Perhaps you have heavy shoulders from a hard day. I feel better when I do this stretch.

Whilst you are brushing your teeth you can do some squats, lunges or both.

Before you get into bed do some push ups, planks, sit ups or all three!

Whilst you're in bed stretch your entire body!

It's only a short workout but at least you're moving and perhaps it's that little bit of extra energy burn you need to fall asleep :)

Much love

Jennifer x

Friday, 22 November 2013

Fun Friday

Hello, it's Fun Friday!

I have made a video for you to watch. It is 8 minutes long, most of it is in silence and is of my journey to and from work. I missed off dinner but all I ate were some mini clementines and the rest of my evening was filled with editing the video!

Watch it with your own music :) I do talk in it too...

Enjoy :D

Much love

Jennifer x

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Think Thursday

Welcome to Think Thursday!

Time is just flying by so quickly and I think I notice it a lot more since I started this blog! This is my 61st post!!!

My question to ponder today is, how do you react when...

a. (if you are a vegan) people ask you 101 questions about your diet that are mainly out to prove veganism is extreme/silly/not worth it/expensive, etc etc

b. (if you are non vegan) you see a vegan and question EVERYTHING about their lifestyle?!

I often find that when people see me eating my wonderful lunch of 10-15 bananas they go crazy...I used to be called a monkey and I'll "soon be swinging from the ceiling" - that made me laugh, I often thought about going to work in a monkey costume! Thankfully my colleagues do not question my protein intake anymore.

The thing that sort of makes me feel queasy is when non vegans discuss eating animals in front of me. I actually felt physically sick when my colleagues discussed eating KFC...especially when they were talking about eating the skin of the chicken (they only eat it if it's KFC chicken but remove it when it isn't). I purposefully told them I felt sick and they apologised.

I guess I am now seeing that they ask so many questions because they are interested and also as they have never been vegan before it is very unknown to them what the benefits are. I can see their side because I have been where they are.

I used to eat so many biscuits, chocolate bars, cakes, fried foods, heavily processed foods, etc so I see their way of life. I opted out of it because I can also see the destruction that it causes, disease, ill health, obesity, etc. I have always been health conscious but I never knew how to achieve optimal well being. I know that veganism is not just about saving animals, it is about being healthy by powering the body with the best source of usable fuel

I look at so many people at my office eating so much junk and wonder why veganism is not catching on!

What are you thoughts, opinions, experiences?! 

I hope you enjoy this blog.

Much love

Jennifer x

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Wishful Wednesday

Welcome to Wishful Wednesday!

I am getting away from being materialistic, but today I just wish I had a dehydrator so I could make many things.

The first thing I'd try is courgette crisps (chips)...check out this video by Happy Healthy Vegan :) Also, subscribe to their channel, they have lots of informative videos.

The next thing I'd do is put a big batch of tomatoes in so I wouldn't have to buy them (covered in salt) anymore.

Then I would experiment with kale chips and then all other varieties of vegetables because it looks so much fun to eat them and crunch them!

I could buy one, but as I am saving up to go travelling I'd rather save my money!

What do you wish for right now?

Much love

Jennifer x

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Tasty Tuesday

It's Tasty Tuesday and I am eating another one of my orgasmic salads!

It's crazy that it's freezing outside, but I just want to nom on a giant salad! Perhaps the heating is making me want cold food, or perhaps I am adjusting to the raw foods :D It actually snowed today!

So, on to the fabulous tasty food. This is a recipe I want to try so much, but laziness and ingredients have prevented me so far...

I present to you the fabulous Megan Elizabeth and her AMAZING raw vegan Falafel recipe. I am so jealous of the people who got to eat these at Woodstock Fruit Festival this year!

I am going to make day :)

Much love

Jennifer x

Monday, 18 November 2013

Make it Monday

OH MY FRUIT it is Make it Monday!!!

Today I made the most delicious, in fact orgasmic, sauce for my cucumber noodles. I am in heaven...I do not want to wash the taste from my mouth ever, in fact it even tastes better than any sweet fruit (although I do love a juicy persimmon)!

I did not take photos as I was busy devouring it, but here is what I used.

  • 6 plum tomatoes
  • 5 sun dried tomatoes, soaked
  • 2 spring onion
  • 2 stalks thin celery
  • 1 small red pepper
  • 1 garlic clove (chopped if you do not own a vitamix)
  • 4-5 leaves of basil (I would have added more but my plants are slightly sad because I neglected them)

Mix until fully blended and pour all over your salad/noodles/spaghetti or just eat as a soup.

It really is a taste bud sensation and I recommend this for all of your dressings - I can never get fed up of tomato dressings :D

Make it Monday's are becoming more about food, yet I still have Tasty Tuesday. What do you think about having 2 potential recipe days next to each other? I suppose I could have Monday as my own recipes and Tuesday as other fabulous fellow raw foodies recipes...let me know becasue I do not really make anything other than food nowadays! I suppose it should motivate me to do something crafty...hmmm 

Your comments are appreciated :)

Much love

Jennifer x

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Sweaty Saturday

Hey it's Sweaty Saturday!

Have you got your sweat on yet? I ran around the block and then did a blogilates video in the living room.

Check it out. It really worked my triceps even though it was not a primary muscle used!

Perhaps one day I can do an exercise video - that would be funny haha

Much love

Jennifer x

Friday, 15 November 2013

Fun Friday

It is finally Fun Friday!

I would like to say Happy Birthday to my Mum today. Thank you for all of your love, hugs and your kind heart. 

Now, let's celebrate with a happy dance :D

Much love

Jennifer x

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Think Thursday

Welcome to Think Thursday.

I'm posting from my phone as tonight I am attending the raw food workshop at On the Corner in Chorlton, Manchester.

Today I want everyone to think about conforming.

Should we conform? Who sets the standards? What are the standards? What happens to non-conformists?

I loved school, I loved learning, I loved being with my friends. Now I am an adult and life is not as easy and carefree I've opened my mind, especially since turning vegan, finding new friends and beliefs. Nowadays I see schools as a place to brainwash the future generations to carry on the upkeep of our misguided past. Wars, the banking crisis, etc.

In my opinion, children are not challenged enough to be different. Many people learn from their parents and often that is to make a family, work hard, own a house, etc. People are born, grow up and die in the same town. Fair enough if that is what you want, I will never understand!

Perhaps that is because I do not conform. Many people do not understand that. Especially family. I am different, I like to challenge myself and the boundaries set up around me.

I will seek alternative ways of living because I am me, a non-conformist!

Much love

Jennifer x

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Wishful Wednesday

Hello and welcome to Wishful Wednesday.

My wish is something that keeps coming up this week and although it is a change I made this year, it is the best one I've ever made so I want others to do the same.

I wish that everyone was vegan.

The animals wouldn't suffer, obesity would reduce (providing people lay off the fat and ate a more natural raw diet), there would be less pollution, everyone would feel so much healthier, there would be a reduced chance of developing a disease caused by eating animal products and other variables around that and we'd all have a better relationship with each other and the earth.

At least that is my hope.

Why would you want to kill innocent chicks?
Male chicks get ground up ALIVE on their 1st day of being born because they are "useless" to the meat industry

How could you kill a sweet intelligent pig?
Did Babe not melt your heart???

Shooting deer is also disturbing, as is skinning foxes and any other animal for fur.
Did you know that most skinning is done when the animal is ALIVE AND HAS NOT BEEN ANESTHETIZED!!!

Why do you want to stop little lambs being happy and playing in the fields?
Why would you KILL a baby and take it away from it's Mother?

Come on, this is so sweet. Animals need affection like humans do. The baby gets it from it's Mother.
What right do we have to steal a calf?
What right do we have to constantly impregnate cows and steal their milk?

We should love every animal and being on the planet.
No matter what race or species.
I hope that this has given you some insight into my thoughts and feelings. One day the world will realise how evil it has become and perhaps we are just waiting for that alien invasion to make peace (as my friend James suggested a few weeks back).

Consider the animal that was murdered when you next tuck into one. They did not die willingly, remember that. Some humans commit suicide, but these animals are slaughtered without having an option to live.

Much love

Jennifer x

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Tasty Tuesday

Welcome to Tasty Tuesday!

I was craving pizza this weekend, thinking that I would need a dehydrator to make it truly satisfying I felt like I would probably never have it. Having watched numerous raw food videos that do not require a dehydrator I knew I could do it, after all I am Miss throw-it-together-and-make-something-amazing ;)

So here is my raw vegan pizza recipe. No photos of the process but it's pretty easy (it is me who made it, I do not make complicated things!)

First one - was delicious!

Ingredients and steps

Pizza base

Slice down the middle of a courgette, then use a mandolin to create thin slices. You will probably have to double or triple layer them if the layers are very thin. The other way is to very carefully slice the courgette with a knife, but the mandolin and using 2 or 3 layers is best...

Tomato sauce

  • 2-4 spring onions
  • Celery - I used about 1/4 of a stem just because I am not overly fond of it
  • 6-8 tomatoes
  • Basil
Place all ingredients into a blender and blend away!
Strain excess juice with a sieve.

"Cheese" - it does not taste like cheese, but it is creamy and better than cheese
  • Half or even less avocado
  • Some courgette
  • Splash of water
Place ingredients into a blender and blend until creamy. Add more water to make it more runny if necessary.

  • Whatever you want!
I used mushrooms, okra, cherry tomatoes and cress. 

To put it all together, start with the tomato sauce, then your toppings and finally add the "cheese". Hold with both hands and get it in your mouth ASAP else it will fall back onto your plate :)

I made 5 pizzas with a courgette base and 1 with a raw crackit - the courgette bases were the best!
Enjoy making these, you'll be making them again I am sure because they were delicious!

Much love

Jennifer x

Monday, 11 November 2013

Make it Monday

Welcome to Make it Monday!

I am feeling more like Make it to Tuesday, I am feeling awful right now. 

So I won't be posting anything other than what I have already made!

The flickering light is a battery operated candle. I love it.

Much love 

Jennifer x

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Sublime Sunday

Welcome to Sublime Sunday!

This week I have been feeling really uninspired. I tend to go through phases where I am on the highest mountain with the greatest views feeling so alive and awesome, to being right on the ground in the muddiest earth feeling like I am sinking slowly and having to use all my energy to get back on safe ground.

Therefore, I am not posting a photo of myself today. I am, however, posting photos of the amazing places I have been that make me feel awesome and inspired. I hope you enjoy them and appreciate them as much as I do.

The beach at dusk in Biarittz


Crossing Lake Köyceğiz

Lake Köyceğiz

Iztuzu beach

Dalyan <3

Dalyan Central Park Hotel

Iztuzu beach from above


Tower bridge, London

Dalyan - view of Kaunos

The wonderful Tombs in Kaunos


Stairway to a beautiful panoramic of Tlos and surrounding areas

Saklıkent gorge

Much love

Jennifer x

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Sweaty Saturday

Welcome to Sweaty Saturday!

The weather has been so indecisive today. I've seen sun, clouds, rain, hail and even thunder and lightening! Despite this I still had some fun on the outdoor exercise machines (even if it was not for that long!)

It was very wet and windy here!

The white bits are hail! Got me right in the face :(

It was worth it for the views :)

Still smiling despite the wet and cold weather :D

I find that running in vibrams really hits my calves hard! I am sore for days afterwards and also my feet blister really easily, so I need to invest in some vibram socks. Has anyone used them before? I'd like to know your opinions of the shoes and the socks.

Keep on sweating and enjoy your evening!

Much love

Jennifer x

Friday, 8 November 2013

Fun Friday!

It is Fun Friday everyone!

What could be more fun than mapping your brainwaves during mediation?!

Check out this video, it is wonderful. I am in love with his mind.

I found the video here

Enjoy your weekend

Much love

Jennifer x

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Think Thursday

Welcome to Think Thursday!

Think about the animals.

Animals have eyes, mouth, nose, ears, heart, lungs, veins, blood, why should we kill them? Example, I'm English. I don't kill Spanish, Chinese, German, Russian, etc speaking people because we don't communicate in the same language, so what gives us the right to kill a cow, pig, sheep, dog, rat, mouse, duck, etc because they cannot speak for themselves in our language? 

I'm sure that if you spend time with an animal before it is slaughtered you won't be thinking "mmm tasty flesh" you'll be horrified you just killed an innocent being for your selfish greed AND their cries will haunt you forever.

Just because it is considered "normal" to eat animals does not mean that it is right. We should challenge our thoughts and our hearts. What does yours say?

When I ate meat, I hated it. I would always visualise the animal on my plate. I imagined the living conditions, especially with regards to chicken, but one thing I never thought about was the slaughter they endured, or the abuse that people acted out on them. 

I wanted to be vegetarian as a child but I am easily influenced by family (well not so much anymore!) and I still kick myself that I only turned vegan THIS year! Although I did reduce my animal consumption dramatically over the last 2 years by having vegetarian dishes when eating out and buying vegetarian food to prepare at home. I just never sat down and thought about it to the extent I have done this year.

My life has changed completely. 

I love my life the way it is now and the only thing I would change is being able to find a way (that fits in with my current lifestyle) to influence others to make this change. Not only is it healthy for your entire body, but it is great for the planet and even better for the animals.

Take this seriously.

Much love

Jennifer x