
Thursday, 7 November 2013

Think Thursday

Welcome to Think Thursday!

Think about the animals.

Animals have eyes, mouth, nose, ears, heart, lungs, veins, blood, why should we kill them? Example, I'm English. I don't kill Spanish, Chinese, German, Russian, etc speaking people because we don't communicate in the same language, so what gives us the right to kill a cow, pig, sheep, dog, rat, mouse, duck, etc because they cannot speak for themselves in our language? 

I'm sure that if you spend time with an animal before it is slaughtered you won't be thinking "mmm tasty flesh" you'll be horrified you just killed an innocent being for your selfish greed AND their cries will haunt you forever.

Just because it is considered "normal" to eat animals does not mean that it is right. We should challenge our thoughts and our hearts. What does yours say?

When I ate meat, I hated it. I would always visualise the animal on my plate. I imagined the living conditions, especially with regards to chicken, but one thing I never thought about was the slaughter they endured, or the abuse that people acted out on them. 

I wanted to be vegetarian as a child but I am easily influenced by family (well not so much anymore!) and I still kick myself that I only turned vegan THIS year! Although I did reduce my animal consumption dramatically over the last 2 years by having vegetarian dishes when eating out and buying vegetarian food to prepare at home. I just never sat down and thought about it to the extent I have done this year.

My life has changed completely. 

I love my life the way it is now and the only thing I would change is being able to find a way (that fits in with my current lifestyle) to influence others to make this change. Not only is it healthy for your entire body, but it is great for the planet and even better for the animals.

Take this seriously.

Much love

Jennifer x

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