
Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Tasty Tuesday

Welcome to Tasty Tuesday!

Today I simply ask that you try a new fruit or vegetable and that when you have a house party/house guests that you provide some fruit or vegetable options. 

What makes me sad is when I am invited to a house (especially with children and babies) and the food that is being served up is 
1. an animal 
2. covered in fat
3. made with lots of animal products 
4. no/very few vegetables (and zero fruit) 
5. high fat, refined sugar, animal derived desserts 
6. fizzy and caffeinated drinks

To make our meals tasty add more vegetables and definitely more fruit, especially having items we have never tried before, more often than not will surprise us!

Okra, my new favourite vegetable
Go and be healthy! NOURISH your body, give it life not a reason to shut down.

Much love

Jennifer x

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