
Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Wishful Wednesday

Waking up

I wish that the world would wake up quicker than it is doing. This is where I should probably wish for patience too!

This weekend someone said 1% of the population of the UK is vegan and over 1% of USA is vegan too. This seems like such a small amount. I know that it is probably a major achievement, but it seems to small that it is close to insignificant. 

If each person was even a fraction more open minded then I reckon here in the UK we'd see that percentage increase faster. Although it is so difficult to be that (open-minded) because we are force fed all of our information from birth, school, college, etc that most people fail to learn for themselves and I believe that this is what has caused so much closed mindedness. 

If children went to an abattoir on a school trip, 99% of them would come back and demand to be vegan. In fact, if most people went to one I would bet that over 80% of the population (if not more) would cut eating animal flesh right out of their diets. People are used to pre-prepared meat with fancy packaging and reassuring bullshit that the animals were grass fed or free range blah blah blah. Just because they got to roam around in a field for 2-5 years when they could live until they are 15-20 years old, is that fair? Really? 

I find Neil Robinson's website interesting. If you scroll down it tells you the amount of animals that are slaughtered in the time you have been on his website. It is sickening. If only people took the time to care.

If only people started waking up sooner...

Jennifer x


  1. Good points here Jennifer. Made me think about the benefits of being that fraction more open minded and how it can apply to more than just being vegan too. It should be encouraged for people to learn and discover their own opinions on things.

    Dave :-)

  2. :-) thanks for your comment. It's amazing how it can change so much if you just opened your mind a little! I'd never have imagined I'd be where I am right now if I wasn't open to learning and changing xx
