This weekend I went to a raw vegan meet-up in Manchester. It was my second visit and it was a really good turn out! The food was amazing, not only did we have lots of fruit, smoothies/juices and salad, there was a lot of creative dishes there including dehydrated crackers, raw pizza, chocolate balls and "naked" chocolate bars.
I filled myself up and mixed everything. As much as I loved the food, the food combining made me feel very tired! In future I will be more selective and careful about my choices. The dishes were fantastic though and I hope to try some more in the future.
I met so many new people it was great. Everyone has different backgrounds and experiences and I really enjoyed hearing their stories. It's always refreshing to meet like minded people and it makes me feel more "normal" and confident in my choice to be raw vegan.
I recommend joining Meetup to see if there area any groups to join in your area. It's a great place to connect with others who have similar interests.
Jennifer x
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