
Tuesday, 4 February 2014

I'm back!

Welcome back!

I posted a Q&A video on YouTube about being raw. I wasn't having a good hair day, but I wasn't really trying! I'm going to post some more videos, but I would be grateful for your suggestions on what you want me to talk about.

The week before last I enjoyed reading The Host. At just over 600 pages I gave myself 2 weeks to read it, but as I wasn't blogging or going to the gym I had extra time to read so I had it finished just after a week. I think this is my greatest achievement in terms of reading. In 2012 I set myself the resolution to read more. In the first month I read 2 books and then reading took a back seat for a while. Over the last 6 months I have read the most books in my life and my imagination is totally fuelled.

The one thing that stood out for me in this book from a vegan perspective is that basically another species took over Earth because of the violence man inflicted on the world (each other mainly), but they still ate animals. The author is clearly not a vegan and never thought about animal cruelty when researching and writing this book, so that disappointed me.

I guess I should have used my extra time to study TEFL, but pleasure always gets in the way of business.

I took a break from the gym as I was just feeling so unmotivated. I do not like my gym at all. It's too small, the men occupy most of the weights and I feel intimidated when I use them and there are not enough classes. So, I started going at 6am, day 2 and I feel great. I have more time at home in the evenings.

I gave in to my cooked food cravings. I kept imagining eating a massive pile of brown rice, or mashed potatoes, or (thanks to Freelee) chips. I am still vegan, high carb cooked vegan and after an awful experience this evening eating cooked food, I shall be back on raw tomorrow. My body is definitely not enjoying this at all.

And that leads me to Freelee's video. I urge everyone to watch it and to share it. Make others aware of the shit they are eating. To be honest I am not sure I trust any processed food, even vegan processed food. We don't know what is in it unless we are there watching everything. Which is another reason I want to go back on raw so much (although unless it is organic we don't know what shit they're spraying/coating it with either).

Now I have spare time in the evenings I will have to start studying, make videos and liven up this place more :)

Free hugs for everyone!!

Jennifer x

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