
Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Wishful Wednesday

Today I wish that I had a fountain of knowledge. 

More specifically, I wish that I could recite facts, quotes and important information about why eating oils are bad for your health.

I do my best to stay out of peoples eating habits at work, but when someone says oils are "healthy" and they are not healthy looking, I start to question why we are all fed such BS and believe it. 

Omega 3 is apparently essential, but why is it that people automatically tell you to eat fish? Well according to this website, you are better off having ground flax seed. Just 2 tbsp provides 132.9% of the RDA for Omega 3, followed in second place by walnuts. Oh, fish came third but you'd have to eat 4oz of salmon just to get 61% of the RDA, which means if you rely on fish you'd need to eat a lot. Obviously I recommend the flax (as I am vegan and care about the life of fish), but I just cannot see why you would justify eating fish over plant based food.

Anyway, my colleague was talking about olive oil. I said it's better to go to the source of the fat than eat the oil, e.g. eat the olive (but they are normally coated in oil anyway *rolls eyes*) or if you really want healthy fats eat avocado. If I want to eat fat, I will eat it from a whole foods source. I do not like nuts as a source of fat because you have to eat so little and they can become addictive (and again the controversy about them being cooked/roasted to stop them going rancid), but I will make nut milk. 

This argument is also good for sugar. Why eat a chocolate bar loaded with preservatives, saturated fats, artificial ingredients, etc when you can just go for the fruit? Fruit is the best source of sugar hands down. So why do people keep eating the shitty seriously unhealthy bar of candy? The best days of my life have definitely included when I gave up chocolate, stopped drinking alcohol and stopped consuming meat and dairy. 

Give it up! You'll feel great (providing you eat the right foods once you've given up the wrong foods). 

Anyway, let's get back on topic. 

So, a fountain of knowledge would help me in situations when I have to defend my eating habits, my lifestyle in general and when I want to provide insight to people who believe the BS and are so closed minded that they do not know of any other way.

If I can recommend one thing to do this year it would be to cut out fat.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Next time you see me, please give me a hug!

Much love

Jennifer x

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