
Monday, 15 June 2015

B12 issues

Hey Everyone!

I hope you've been keeping well and managing to stay up to date with my YouTube videos. Since being home I've made a lot of juices and banana ice cream. I also got a well needed B12 shot and I have been feeling much better since.

I think it makes all the difference if you have a B12 deficiency. I was feeling very tired and lazy in Thailand and as much as I think part of that was the heat, I knew that it was a B12 issue. I was going to supplement when I was away, but I didn't like the thought of injecting myself, nor did I like the story of a girl who had a horrific injection at the hospital and pills, well I never take those anyway so I waited until my return.

It is not just a vegan issue though, if you feel tired and out of energy even when eating a balanced diet (even if you think you get B12 from meat...) you should definitely be checked out for a B12 deficiency because it is a very common problem with the modern world, given how much our farming practices have changed.

Well I am not exactly an expert on B12 so I will not tell you anything scientific about it, but here are a few websites you may find useful and informative. A general Google can be beneficial too!

Make sure your health comes top of your priorities. I could do with taking my own advice here!

Enjoy the video below :)

Peace, love and hugs

Jennifer x

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