
Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Tasty Tuesday - my most recent creations

I thought I'd do a quick picture post of some of the yummy food I've been eating recently. If you don't have Instagram then you will be missing my posts! 

Dehydrated avocado and dill crisps


Sprouted lentils and chickpeas

Dehydrated banana and cinnamon wheels

Dehydrated burgers

Dehydrated burger with "ketchup" and "mayonnaise"

Romaine lettuce wraps

Another dehydrated burger

Pasta and dehydrated pizzas

Fully Raw Pumpkin pie

Banana berry ice cream

Raw vegan coleslaw

Fermented red cabbage

Rainbow romaine wraps

I have been loving salads recently, especially wraps with coleslaw, I have been so creative this month that I have not been out of the kitchen. I really want to perfect burger making and also try to make a decent pizza base. I would also like to try making sausages too so that come Christmas I can have my own raw vegan Christmas dinner.

If you want to know the recipes for anything then comment and I may deliver.

Ciao for now

Jennifer x

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Tasty Tuesday - Coconut milk

I have previously posted how to make nut milk here and today I just want to tell you that so far the best milk I have made is with a mature coconut.

This is by far the best non-human milk I have ever tasted and that includes cows milk! I recommend trying it for yourself.

My advice is to perhaps find a better way of opening the coconut, I am not too sure if smashing it with a hammer inside a plastic bag is the best way, or safest. It is the way I was taught and probably the most therapeutic, so I'll stick with it!

The main things to be careful of when preparing this milk is to ensure all of the hard shell has been removed from the coconut meat, even tiny pieces, as this can break your blender. When you have filled your blender with the meat, put the water in so it is just above the meat. This will make it a creamy milk. When I first made it I put in almost double the water so it was very weak. It is your choice though so if you prefer to have a creamy higher fat milk use less water, etc.

I stored it in a mason jar in the fridge. It is normal for the liquid to separate, so give it a shake before you use it. Mine formed coconut lumps and I scooped some out to try. was like eating coconut butter! Heavenly, but I kept thinking about the fat content. Once in a while won't hurt but every day may not be so good for remaining low fat!

Unfortunately it didn't last long so I don't have any photographs. All I can give you is my word that this is by far the best homemade milk I ever made and tasted! 

I put it in a smoothie with bananas and some vanilla bean. Perfecto!

Get yourself a nut milk bag and you can do so much.

Jennifer x

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Think Thursday - Solar Powered Human

Powerful video. I like his energy. Definitely "food" for thought!!

Let me know your thoughts

Jennifer x

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Wishful Wednesday - flashback!

Wow, it was just over a year ago that I wished for a vegan vampire boyfriend. To those who missed it, here is that post.

I have some more thoughts and opinions on this. I believe I was presented with a vegan vampire, yes it is true! My wish was fulfilled, although when I asked for a boyfriend I meant long term, but I suppose I didn't specify the longevity of our relationship.

When you think about vampires you'll either think of Buffy (if you're male) or Twilight (if you're female). As beautifully poetic as the twilight vampires are (sparkly and somewhat handsome) these characters are merely allegorical. Vampires are not infected beings who suddenly turn into blood thirsty immortal beings. They are, however, immortal.

Going into more detail, vampires are simply immortal human beings that are able to walk the earth for a very long time (until they're killed or their higher spirit decides they've accomplished their goals I guess) and have somewhat conquered the universal laws - meaning that they are no longer bound by time, ageing, etc.

I believe that it is very possible for humans to become vampires in this sense. As far as I am concerned I once believed that the human life should last until at least 120 years and over the last 100 years we have severely fallen short of that number. Nowadays you hear of people living till well over 100 and it's not actually that special anymore. 

However, you cannot become a vampire over night. You need to be taught the secret.

Yes, just like every other worthwhile society there is a secret. 

It is too early for me to reveal the secret, but if you are curious then my first and most important suggestion is that you need to stop eating meat. I swear on my life that this is not just a ploy to turn you vegan, it is the truth. It depends on how ready you are to face the truth.

In time you will see.

When you are ready, take the first step and if you are already vegan, well you're already one step ahead of 95% of the world.

Stay tuned to find out more about vampire vegans.

Jennifer x

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Wise Wednesday - Are you ready to go vegan?

Becoming vegan

I cut out meat because I didn't really enjoy it, I always enjoyed the seasoning or the batter that coated it! I've always had an instinct that eating meat was bad for us but I'm easily persuaded by nutrition "experts". Until I discovered 801010 I thought protein only came from animals! So naive of me. I changed my diet because I saw the results that one can achieve from being vegan and now I'm living this lifestyle I know how easy it is to sustain, even a raw food diet is easy, it just takes a bit of effort to beat the cravings of other foods. 

Are you ready to go vegan? 

It depends what type of person you are as to whether you are ready to go vegan. Are you willing to go against the beliefs of others no matter what they say? Are you willing to stand up to pressure no matter what it takes? Are you willing to be the minority? Are you willing to stand up for the animals? Are you willing to put your health first? 

My experience of being vegan. 

I've had countless discussions, countless sarcasm, countless comments. It's about being willing to stand up and say "I am not eating animals because I can sustain a life on plants". For me it's about health. I look at the majority of people around me and they are fat, sick and unhealthy. I look at me and I'm losing my fat, my skin glows when I eat and I hardly get ill anymore. 

What do YOU want for YOUR life?

If you need help with transitioning to a vegan lifestyle I am here to help, but the one thing that will help you the most is to actually want it. Like really want it so bad that there's nothing else that seems important. The main reason for going vegan should be your health. The animals are important, but first you should concentrate on yourself. 

The world is awakening and veganism is only the start of it, so don't be the last to get on board. Start a lifestyle where you'll thrive and be an excellent example of health. Open your mind and your eyes. Listen to your heart. 

Believe in good. Believe in God. 

Jennifer x

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Tough Tuesday - Never Ending Circles

I never used to like the merry go round as a child. It always spun too fast for my liking and I'd either end up seriously dizzy, I'd fall off or I'd be very ill. In recent years you may have seen me push myself around one on this blog. I find that when I am in control of the merry go round I have a pleasant time. 

I'm not really here to talk about merry go rounds, but actually the never ending circle or cycle I have going on right now. 

I am on a spiritual journey. I never planned for this particular journey to happen. I have always been different and unconventional at times. It's unusual for me to conform so me taking on this journey isn't exactly out of the norm for me, but still, this time last year I would never have guessed I'd be on a journey to reach enlightenment. 

The only problem with my journey funnily enough is me! I am my biggest problem. I get in my own way. I prevent and cause my biggest issues! In every relationship I have it is me who causes my own unhappiness. In my gratefulness challenge I said I want honesty, but I'm still too stubborn to face it, too attached to accept it and too resentful to appreciate it. 

My biggest problem is how I react to people. I get overshadowed by the ego that it takes over in that moment so my head is flooded with negative thoughts and without taking time to breathe and process, I explode like a volcano. I take everything to heart, I believe that what someone is saying is true and I destroy the good in me by reacting the way I do. 

I keep forgetting to stop, look and listen, or stop and breathe at the very least. I'm quick to temper, easy to offend, easy to wind up and take everything to heart. These are my problems, no one else's. That's the lesson I need to learn because I keep going in circles and it's destroying everything I'm working towards. 

I don't want to be the person who keeps fucking up, I don't want to allow myself to create my own unhappiness anymore. I'm tired of being on this merry go round. I just need to find the strength to stop it and walk away in victory. 

Today I walked away from the greatest man I'll ever meet. 

Perhaps this is the start of the slowing down I need. 

Jennifer x